Download Magic Time Trilogy by Marc Scott Zicree (.ePUB)

Magic Time Trilogy by Marc Scott Zicree & Barbara Hambly & Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff & Robert Charles Wilson
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Overview: Marc Scott Zicree (born 1955) is an American science fiction author, television writer, and screenwriter. He is also the author of The Twilight Zone Companion, a detailed history of Rod Serling’s series The Twilight Zone. He has contributed to the three-novel Magic Time, which is a collaborative effort between Zicree and three other science fiction authors.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Book #1-Magic Time (with Barbara Hambly)
or rising young lawyer Cal Griffin, it’s just another day in the Big City — until the lights go off … for good. Suddenly packs of pale crouched figures are stalking the darkened subways, monsters prowl Times Square, and the people all around Cal are … changing. Similar weirdness is happening everywhere, from the dank, cold heart of a West Virginia coal mine to a remote lab in South Dakota — where a team of government scientists has unwittingly invited something catastrophic into the world — to the highest levels of power in Washington, D.C. And Cal Griffin is not the only one struggling to comprehend the surreal, devouring chaos surrounding him — nor the only one who will be forced to accept a new role in this brave new world of nightmare and wonder.

Book #2-Angelfire (with Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff)
The world has changed — forever. Across America, technology has been eclipsed by magic, and people are changing into the embodiments of their darkest desires and deepest fears. In this new time, former lawyer Cal Griffin has united a small group of outcasts to battle the chaos. Searching for the source of the unholy phenomenon — and to save Cal’s sister, Tina — these unlikely heroes make their way cross country, led by the visions of a lunatic and the fragile song of a blind man. Hidden within ancient burial mounds, a secret paradise may offer the chance of hope, if they can find Tina. But first they must make their way to Chicago to battle a primal monster . . . and the darkness within themselves.

Book #3-Ghostslands (with Robert Charles Wilson)
In an altered America where machines no longer work and magic holds sway, former lawyer-turned-visionary leader Cal Griffin guides his small band on a quest toward the Source of the Change — following a trail he hopes will reunite him with his abducted sister, Christina, transformed into one of the powerful, enigmatic beings called "flares." Armed with little more than compassion and a determination to heal the world, Cal, the warrior Colleen Brooks, Russian physician Doc Lysenko, and bipolar street wizard Herman "Goldie" Goldman encounter old foes and new friends in a landscape of unimaginable beauties and magnificent horrors — forced to confront the frightful secrets of an emissary from a dread region and to trust in a brilliant triumvirate of grad students who could get things running again … at a terrible cost—as the final moves in humankind’s ultimate nightmare are played out in the depths of the Ghostlands.

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