Download Mafia Heiress by Angela Agnello (.ePUB)+

Mafia Heiress by Angela Agnello (Conquering the Throne #1)
Requirements: .ePUB/.AZW3 Reader, 583 kB
Overview: Prima la famiglia.
It’s funny how you can go through life thinking everything is normal when you’re anything but. The world of an Italian American is different than that of any other culture, especially here in New York City. Our traditions are strange, our accents odd, and food comes second only to family. My ancestors came over from Sicily at the turn of the century. No money, living in filth, and begging for scraps. A life of crime doesn’t appear as bad as it is when your family is dying in the street.

My name is Giacomina Gambino and I’m a mafia princess.
I was born and raised in Brooklyn with a silver spoon in my mouth and a gun in my purse. Nothing or no one can mess with me, and if it happens — Daddy takes care of it. Now I’m twenty-eight, ready to settle down, and I have to choose a husband. Someone my parents approve of and someone who will stay out of my way. I might have to get married, but nobody said anything about it being for love.

If you love Rachel Van Dyken and JM Dathower you’re going to be obsessed with Angela Agnello’s debut series, Conquering the Throne.
Genre: Romance, Suspense


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