Download Mad Tinker Chronicles (Books 2-4) by J.S. Morin (.ePUB)

Mad Tinker Chronicles by J.S. Morin (Books 2-4)
Requirements: ePUB Reader | 991 KB
Overview: J.S. Morin is a writer of epic fantasy. He enjoys strategy, world-building, and filling in the missing words that English forgot. His ultimate goal is to be both clever and right at the same time. Morin’s first fantasy series, the Twinborn Trilogy explores the idea that while we sleep, some of us see through the eyes of another version of ourselves in another world. The connection works both ways and allows for transferring knowledge of magic and technology between worlds that might otherwise be unprepared for it.
Genre: Fantasy

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Rebel Skyforce (#2): They won the battle, but the war has just begun. After escaping Eversall Deep in what has become known as the Great Slave Revolt, Rynn and her fellow rebels are on the run. In their stolen airships, they must evade airships from nations across Korr as they seek to found a headquarters for the Human Rebellion. Meanwhile, on Tinker’s Island, Cadmus works to build a new world-ripper from the plans he stole. Can he finish building it before his former owner constructs one of his own? Madlin could be a great aid to him, but she is having enough trouble just getting home, with two troublesome Veydran twinborn in tow. The result is a tinker’s chess match, played between opponents sitting across worlds from one another. May the best inventor win!

World-Ripper War (#3): In a war without borders, you’re always behind enemy lines. The sides are drawn. The war has begun. The Human Rebellion is constantly on the move, knowing that their enemies possess the same world-ripper technology that allows them to appear at will across vast distances. The war expands as all sides use their newfound mobility to reach out for potential allies. With the stakes growing larger as factions align, who can afford not to take sides? Rynn sets out to rebuild herself as only a tinker can. Madlin designs a hideaway as a final fall-back position for the rebellion that no one will ever find. And the Mad Tinker starts working on a weapon that even Rynn thinks is insane.

Tinker’s Justice (#4): Justice can’t be built in a workshop. That won’t stop a tinker from trying. The members of the Human Rebellion face a war spread across three worlds. Their enemies are multiplying. Their allies are becoming increasingly tenuous. With the war spiraling out of control, can Rynn find the answers to their plight in the pages of an ancient book? Or will Madlin take matters into her own hands and build something even she fears to turn on?

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