Download Lust and Lapdances by Veronica Rush (.ePUB)

Lust and Lapdances: A First Time Lesbian Romance Short by Veronica Rush
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 484 KB
Overview: “I want this one,” The blonde nodded her head in my direction. “Name your price, I just want half an hour of entertainment.”

Innocent Kelli went from a life of privilege to a life of sin, never knowing anything in between. When she started working at the club as a stripper she thought there were rules to protect her from the grabbing hands and lustful looks of customers, but it turned out the only thing that stood between her and being ravaged was a fierce biker chick with an edge, Gage.

She may not have looked like a knight in shining armor, but she rescued her and swept her off her feet in a moment of passion Kelli would never forget.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic LGBT FF


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