Download Love, Actualized by Victoria Fletcher (.ePUB)

Love, Actualized by Victoria Fletcher
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 475 kB
Overview: Shanelle loves love, but it doesn’t love her back. She has a problem, well a few problems. Over the last five years, Shanelle’s life had fallen a little off track. Something was missing, and she wasn’t sure what. She is stuck in an unsatisfying relationship, and she’s in love with her former best friend, Alyssa who abruptly moves away to LA to live with her boyfriend.

Yes, she has another major problem- falling for people who won’t love her back. Vowing to fix her life, she goes to therapy to work through her painful issues with a sexy therapist she calls Dr. GQ. to get to the core of her problem– limerence. Before finding her cure she scores a trip of a lifetime to the Maldives. Although it is a working trip, she is determined to make the best of it. While there she reconnects with a past love and meets a new potential partner who tempts her at every turn. Who is the right person for her to fall in love with? Which one will she choose, her hot boyfriend or the love she deserves?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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