Download Lord Salisbury’s Ledgers on How to Woo a Wife by Jill M. Beene (.ePUB)

Lord Salisbury’s Ledgers on How to Woo a Wife by Jill M. Beene
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 726 KB
Overview: England, 1825.

A man whose head has never been turned…
The Marquess of Salisbury loves women. After all, they’re pleasing to look at, they smell nice, and most of them raptly agree with everything he has to say…Why in the name of chilled syllabub would Percy be in a hurry to choose one and settle down?

A lady who desires the power to choose…
Miss Adelaide Warrington didn’t want to be put in charge, but now that she is, she certainly isn’t going to flippantly hand the responsibility over to the first high-handed Lord who walks through the door… Especially when said Lord seems very used to getting his own way.

If she just wouldn’t make it so difficult to woo her…
If he would just stop trying to make so many changes…
Thrust together under unwanted circumstances, Percy and Adelaide must decide whether true love is worth surmounting the obstacles threatening to keep them apart.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Historical


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