Download Like Tears in Rain by Micky Carre (.ePUB)

Like Tears in Rain by Micky Carre (Aurora Chronicles Book 2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 287 kb
Overview: Stealing a prototype android should have been easy. No one said it would want revenge.

In stark contrast to the dying world around him, Zeke’s life had never been so wonderful. He had more work than ever, and life with Amelie and Delila was like something out of a dream. In a city where many died young, a bit of hope began to shine.

A few days later, hanging from the balcony of the ninety-fifth floor of a hotel, Zeke finds himself wondering how things turned south so quickly.

Plasma rifles, fast cars, and hot women. Zeke just hoped that would be enough to get him out of this one alive.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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