Download Lights of Agramont Trilogy by Mackenzie Morris (.ePUB)+

Lights of Agramont Trilogy by Mackenzie Morris (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB .AZW3 Reader | 1.8 MB
Overview: "Divine words in the minds and pens of mortals lends the truth to interpretation, abuse, and corruption."
In a universe governed by the Four Honored, powerful mages controlling the elements of water, earth, air, and fire, a stable hand and a flamboyant bard ship captain join together to discover the mysteries connecting their lives in dark and disturbing ways. Both men have been touched by a demon who is bending time and space to stop the light of truth and justice from being found. What is reality and what is just another false dream world?
Genre: Science Fiction Fantasy


Book One, The Lullaby Blade: Trapped in an alternate reality by his demon half brother, Serilom must wield the Lullaby Blade to sever the portal binding him to the world he has known for all of his life. Time is running out for him to escape and return to the reality he was meant to live in. The lives of his loved ones depend on him discovering the true identity of his brother who is tearing apart the fabric of space to create new realities where alternate histories exist and people disappear forever.
In the city he has always called his home, Serilom Orrentius is facing the gallows after using his illusions to win his wife in an auction. The magic he has known for his entire life has been stripped from him and he is now a lost-mage. As a lost-mage, the only fate that awaits him is certain death.
The guard captain nods to the hooded executioner who steps forward and slides the rough rope around Serilom’s neck, just as the amulet had been placed the day before. The amulet had taken his magic and this will take his life. It is tightened and the executioner steps back to the lever in the stage. "May the Honored accept your soul." The executioner calls out.
Those are the last words Serilom hears before the executioner’s hand pulls the lever, the floor drops out from under his feet, and the rope tightens with his weight.
The rope snaps.
A hand reaches out to him and pulls him into the darkness. Will Serilom take the chance that his mind won’t let him accept or will he trust his heart and find a love greater than any he has known?

Book Two, Tide of Treason, Storm of Slaughter: Alive in Serilom’s new reality, Kriv struggles to find freedom from Argrin’s control while vowing to save Nivalaya from the torture they both have to endure. No matter what he tries to do, he is powerless against the demonic forces corrupting his soul. The light and dark fight for dominance.
For the first time, Kriv Tide-Storm failed. This is a new and terrifying possibility that he has tried to keep secret, that he has believed for so long was behind him. Kriv Tide-Storm doesn’t fail. However, he knows that he wasn’t strong enough.
Now he is forced to obey the sadistic demands of an evil being and watch the people he loves suffer and the world crumble around him. Will he find the strength to break free and find himself again before it is too late?

Book Three, Song of Ocean’s Peace: Serilom faces the darkest memories of his past which haunt him to the point of losing control over the magic that has always been there for him. An Honored One who can’t use his magic is useless. Will he be able to find the will to fight again? This is his time to take a stand and be the mage he needs to be.
Kriv and the armies of Agareth go on the offensive against Argrin and the Damned Ones. While the world is crumbling and time is running out for humanity to be saved, Kriv and Serilom find themselves being torn apart by Ievas’s secret plans. The entire world is at war and allies are few and far between while their enemies have advanced technology beyond anything the allied forces have seen. Will they be able to save humanity before The Creator destroys the universe again? Or will the visions they saw at Agramont destroy any trust and hope they have?

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