Download Liberated Love by Mark Groves, Kylie McBeath (.ePUB)

Liberated Love: Release Codependent Patterns and Create the Love You Desire by Mark Groves, Kylie McBeath
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2 Mb
Overview: We all desire great love. Yet, there seems to be a lot in the way when it comes to cultivating a relationship we crave.

Why is that?

It’s time for a new template ― one rooted in choice, truth, safety, and respect. To get us there, Mark Groves and Kylie McBeath, champions of positive philosophy, provide us a roadmap, one they walked themselves, to step out of protection mode and into connection mode.

Groves and McBeath’s work―through their Create the Love seminars, workbooks, and consultation programs―have educated a new generation of relationship seekers on the best ways to practice and cultivate love. In Liberated Love, you’ll explore your original relationship blueprint and learn how it informs your current relationships (spoiler alert: it’s often a pretty direct line), and discover how limitation can be the key to finding freedom and experiencing full, fully-realized love with another person.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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