Download Kindred Series ( Complete )by Nicola Claire (.ePUB)

Kindred Series by Nicola Claire (Complete Books 1 – 8.1)
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Overview: The Kindred Series is an Adult Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance set in modern day Auckland, New Zealand.
Vampires, shape shifters, ghouls and magic users abound in a world where the Norms, (those humans without paranormal abilities) are ignorant of the creatures of the night and the supernatural species that live alongside them.
Lucinda Monk is a bank teller by day and a vampire hunter by night, but she wasn’t always a part of this world. Thrown into a heady mix of powerful people and sensual beings, she’s had to find her way practically blindfolded, but she’s a capable and practical kind of girl. Her motto: Never show fear. Never give an inch. Always stay on guard.
But, there’s changes afoot, a Prophesy that whispers of powers to unite the Dark and the Light. Is Lucinda the one? Or just another cog in the wheel moulded by those more powerful, hungry and blood thirsty than her?
From the urban streets of many cities around the world, to the dark alleys and sinful bars that promise a wickedness a girl from the farm has never before been exposed to, Lucinda gets drawn irreversibly into the Dark side of life.
And if the Master of the City had his way, she would always be his. For eternity.
Genre: Adult Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance


Kindred (Kindred #1): “You may not be aware, ma douce, but not all vampyre have a kindred, some will live out their existence without such beauty in their lives. I have waited five hundred years for you."
Vampires, shape shifters, ghouls and magic users abound in a world where the Norms, (those humans without paranormal abilities) are ignorant of the creatures of the night and the supernatural species that live alongside them.
Lucinda Monk is a bank teller by day and a vampire hunter by night, but she wasn’t always a part of this world. Thrown into a heady mix of powerful people and sensual beings, she’s had to find her way practically blindfolded in amongst the creatures of the night. But she’s a capable and realistic kind of girl. Her motto: never show fear. But, there’s something different about Lucinda, something those creatures she hunts, want. In order to stay one step ahead of the enemy she has to let the enemy in. In all his compelling, seductive and delicious ways. Sleeping with the enemy has never meant so much before. But, can she trust him?
From the urban streets of the city, to the dark alleys and sinful bars that promise a wickedness a girl from the farm has never before been exposed to, Lucinda gets drawn irreversibly into the dark side of life. And if the Master of the City had his way, she would always be his. For eternity.

Blood Life Seeker (Kindred #2): “I would die for you Lucinda, I would cast away everything I possess to be near you, I would take anything you willingly give and no more, this is what you mean to me.”
Lucinda’s relationship with the Master of the City is progressing at an alarming rate, but she is unsure if what she feels is the truth. Or just a by-product of the joining and Bond. Can she even trust her own feelings?
To top that off, the vampire governing body has taken an interest in Lucinda and Michel’s joining. The Iunctio’s attention has now swung towards Lucinda and her kindred. Can they prove themselves to be no threat to those vampires who rule all Nosferatu?
Then temptation appears in the form of a hedonist playboy vampire, who does not play by the rules. Lucinda must decide if this new seductive attraction is the correct path for her heart, or the vampire she is tied to for life is her one true love. With such delectable men in her world you’d think life would be a breeze. But, there are whispers of a Prophesy and even Darker days ahead.
Lucinda may believe she belongs to no one, but there are those who seek to control her. And she may not have a say in that at all.

Forbidden Drink (Kindred #3):I watched as he comprehended what it was that he saw on my face, in my eyes. And I watched as a part of him shut down, locked away from me forever. And I hid the fact that my heart was breaking even as I lied to him, even as I broke his. And I swore I would never let him know otherwise, or I would truly be lost and the war would be over.
Surviving Paris and the Iunctio has left a jagged mark on Lucinda’s soul. Now she must stay under their radar and out of their sights. But, that’s not all she has to worry about. Lucinda’s life is spiralling out of her control. There are those who want to shackle her under the guise of protection and love. If she is to have a chance at fulfilling the Prophesy, she must break free. But, to do that is to cross a line. One she had never thought she would.
With her personal world becoming more complicated and her powers growing by the day, Lucinda has to take on even more responsibility. Helping out the Master of Wellington City with an increasingly alarming human vigilante problem. Split between Wellington and Auckland, her kindred and her pull toward the vampire who wears her mark, Lucinda has to dig deep to stay true to the Light within and not give in to the seduction of the Dark.
And then, there are the shape shifters and her best-friend Rick. Things are changing, relationships twisting and Lucinda has to face it all while battling to stay in control. Control that she feels is slipping through her fingers as surely as blood drips from an open vein.

Giver of Light (Kindred #4): His lips met mine again, this time in a slow, soft caress, conveying everything he had just said in those beautiful words that had reached my very soul. I could have drowned in that kiss. I could have lived there for eternity. It filled me up with everything I needed to survive. He gave me life through his lips and I treasured it.
Recovering from recent losses, Lucinda finds herself in a Dark place. She starts to doubt who she has become. She seeks reassurance, that despite the Prophesy and what that has meant for her life, she is still remaining true to herself.
The American Families of Vampires close in on Lucinda and her kindred. There is one who insists Lucinda is his and none other’s. He has not forgotten her and will do anything, anything at all to make her his. Loyalties are tested and fall short, and Lucinda must find the strength to fight for something she cannot even remember. But, that is not all Lucinda must battle. The Queen of Darkness appears in amongst the mayhem to exact her plans for Dark’s success and the final confrontation of Light and Dark comes to a head.
Without the steadfast support and love of her kindred, Lucinda would not be able to face what is to come, but still she holds something of herself back. Will she never give herself completely to Michel? And if she does, will it be enough to save her? And enough to save the Light from the Dark once and for all?

Dancing Dragon (Kindred #5): ‘I’m supposed to be the one that calls him back toward the Light. I am the Light to your Dark. You call to me as I call to you. I will always hold you dear. But, it was getting harder. I loved him and it’s not as if I never knew it would be difficult loving a vampire. I just never knew the degree of difficulty it would entail.’
Michel battles his rising Dark, all but losing his Light within. His line falters, his life is in turmoil and Lucinda is ultimately shut out. Without his kindred to draw him back to the Light, just how Dark will Michel become? And can Lucinda survive without him in her life? To bring him back towards the Light they both must face harsh truths and their deepest secrets and desires. But a vampire’s number one rule is survive at all costs. Just what will Michel do to survive and how will it affect Lucinda?
An ancient vampire appears in London feasting on innocents with abandon. Lucinda’s role as the Sanguis Vitam Cupitor calls her to the streets of Knightsbridge and into the grasp of this powerful and hungry Dark predator. Calling on all her reserves she is barely able to survive with her life, but fails to save those humans he blithely kills. Guilt wages with fear as she realises this is not a one-time event and attempts to discover the meaning behind his appearance and Dark hunger which cannot be assuaged.
In the shadows left by the Dark vampire lurks a strange new threat. Dressed in the guise of a mischievous, gorgeous and compelling young man who catches Lucinda in a spell which could not possibly be of this Earth. It’s not just his beauty that traps Lucinda though, it’s the fact that he has Light. A Light so similar to her own that she is drawn to it, can’t stop herself reaching for it. But she ultimately knows, to touch it could prove her downfall. But, can she resist?
The world is turning Darker, greater threats than vampires are about to appear and Lucinda is the key. Try as she might, without her kindred by her side her chances of success are dimmed. For together they are stronger, apart they grow weaker. And there are always those on the sidelines who are willing to take advantage of the weak. They are vampyre, it is in their nature to hunt prey and Lucinda is the ultimate game for the predator within.

Shadow’s Light (Kindred #6): I felt hot tears streaming down my cheeks at his words. Spoken so carelessly, with such shameless intent. He knew how I felt. How I had been feeling. How lost and alone and full of grief my days had been. Avery was not a friend. Not even a trusted acquaintance. But, he understood what I was going through. Even if he didn’t have a compassionate bone in his entire buffed body, he knew what I had suffered. I didn’t have to justify my behaviour to him.
Walking out on her life and hiding in the only place she can think of that the Iunctio – the vampire governing body – and in particular, the Champion, can not find her, Lucinda faces eternity alone and on the run. Heartbroken, bereft and quite desolate she hides in amongst the lowest forms of vampire society. Doing what she can to keep the innocents safe, while denying herself the support she desperately needs to recover from such personal losses.
A saviour of sorts arrives, but can he be trusted? Avery Rousseau has only ever been interested in himself. But the handsome, arrogant and always so well-put-together vampire does seem to care. At least he offers a distraction from the heartache and loss. Lucinda battles with her inherent mistrust of the one vampire who understands what she is going through. But, should she allow him inside her crumbling walls?
More than just vampires stalk Lucinda though. There is a fairy who claims she is his one true love. Lucinda is called to his Light, she can’t help reaching for it, but to do so could have everlasting consequences she may not be prepared to face. As time runs out – first with the Iunctio, then the Ljósálfar – Lucinda must do what she has to do, to survive, before her heartache breaks her in two.
But memories plague her, her mind starts to play cruel tricks and slowly reality begins to crumble, taking a once strong and confident Nosferatin down as quickly as a predator catches its prey. And now, there are just so many predators, Lucinda may not stand a chance at all at avoiding being someone’s prey.

Mixed Blessing (Kindred 6.5): His whole body jerked against mine, his arms tightened and a low growl mixed with a decidedly sexy moan came from the back of his throat. I could tell he was having an instant response to my biting him, I could feel exactly where his mind had taken the moment to. I gasped at his reaction, thinking this was having way more of an effect on him than me. And then the taste of his blood hit my tongue.
Working as a bartender at the most popular club in town, dating a handsome, sexy and ever so slightly mysterious Englishman, Georgia thought her life was finally going somewhere. Then one night a rogue vampire caught her unaware, introducing her to a night time life she never knew existed.
Trusting no one and finding it hard to forgive the one man who could have warned her, but didn’t, Georgia fights to retain her humanity. All the while fighting her attraction for the one who let her down. But with some hard and fast rules, an iron will and determination, plus abilities that make her a commodity to any who traverse the night time world, Georgia must find a way to remain true to herself and not give in to the seduction of the Dark.
But the Dark is so appealing and her vampire-within so strong. Can Georgia resist temptation, in all its glorious guises and still be true to her Light-filled side? As she’d say, this really sucks!

Entwined with the Dark (Kindred #7): What was wrong with me to antagonise a vampire of his standing to such a degree? I knew I had become too rebellious, too sure of my own place in this world. I was aware that Dark had been encroaching, that I played so often in its shadow I was losing sight of the sun, of my Light. There were times when I truly felt consumed in anger, for all that had happened, for all that I had suffered and lost.
Leaving Auckland and moving to London, Lucinda has to learn new rules and assimilate into a new life she has no love for. Rebelling against everything that just doesn’t seem fair, Lucinda upsets not only the new Master of the City, but the local shape shifter pack as well. Not to mention her fairy liaison and the Iunctio itself.
Vampires demand her attention and covet her power. Fairies demand her compliance and seek revenge. And the shape shifters; it’s any one’s guess what they want, but Lucinda is sure that she’s registered on their radar, whatever their radar is set to detect.
A dreary, Gothic, monstrosity of a house, a Nosferatin partner who is scared of the dark, too many rules and too many obligations and things are beginning to fall apart. But, Lucinda is a fighter and fighting for the innocents in her city is not all that she is determined to do. She’ll fight for her freedom and for the Light – even as she slowly realises just how far she is already entwined with the Dark.

Kiss of the Dragon (Kindred #8): "You do realise," he whispered, his hand reaching up to brush my hair from my face. He began twining a strand around one of his fingers. "That you are my most magnificent obsession." Magnificent obsession. I think I liked that. I certainly understood it. He was mine too.
The explosive conclusion to the Kindred Series.
Confronted with yet another curve ball, Lucinda finds herself in Álfheimr at the mercy of the Dökkálfa. And the Fey have unusual rules, rules which even the Dark Fairies like to stretch. Throwing herself into the political machinations of her hosts, Lucinda must negotiate her release. But what could the Dökkálfa monarch want that would mean Lucinda’s freedom?
Never one to have the patience for politics, Lucinda must adapt to new environments and new challenges, not just from the Fairies, but from all sides now. An old enemy rises to do more harm than good, forcing Lucinda to confront depths of loss she thought long buried. Struggling with her physical well-being, battling a political world that is now her home, and working against a powerful, devious and underhand enemy, Lucinda must draw on all her Light to succeed. However she is not alone. She is watched over by the spirit of a dragon. But everyone knows, the kiss of the dragon is as lethal as its flame.

Dreaming Of A Blood Red Christmas (Kindred #8.1): You wanted more? Well, here it is! A Christmas Special Novella (just over 16,000 words) from Michel’s point of view, set after the end of book eight in the Kindred Series: Kiss of the Dragon. A sweet surprise full of a few Kindred secrets, wrapped up in a Michel package, just in time for Christmas.
When I look at her, I see the strong, independent, courageous woman I have always seen. The sexy, confident, alluring hunter she was the first day I watched her handle a stake. The love of my life. The very air I breathe. The very blood that fuels my veins. She is everything to me. And not once when I look at her do I see anything other than perfection.
It’s Christmas and Michel Durand has a lot on his mind. His kindred Nosferatin, his role on the vampire council; the Iunctio, and now a visitor long thought forgotten. Life is never simple for the five hundred year old vampire, but would he have it any other way?
In this last quick glimpse into the Kindred World we see Michel as we’ve always loved him. Powerful. Sexy. Hungry. Masterful. Commanding. Alluring. And in love with the kindred who stands at his side.
A short story to say thank you from the author of the Kindred Series. Enjoy! And thanks for loving Michel & Luce as much as I do.

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