Download Kaitlyn and the Highlander by Diana Knightley (.ePUB)

Kaitlyn and the Highlander by Diana Knightley
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 300KB
Overview: He crossed time and found her — Kaitlyn. She means everything — the future, love, a home, but in loving her, he wants to live. He needs to survive. Kaitlyn Sheffield’s awesome life has fallen apart. She had a career and a fiancé, but then their breakup video went viral and now she’s embarassed, world-wide.

Then she meets Magnus, a mysterious stranger, who arrives during a storm. It doesn’t take long before their stories entwine, and their lives change forever. But she may not be prepared for the danger of tying her life to his.
For Magnus, protecting Kaitlyn, his home, the future, is everything. He has to keep her safe, but how can he protect her when he’s not of this time?
Genre: Historical Romance


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