Jump Start Autophagy: Activate Your Body’s Cellular Healing Process to Reduce Inflammation, Fight Chronic Illness and Live a Longer, Healthier Life by Melissa Mayer
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 560 KB
Overview: Harness your body’s natural cell-rejuvenating process for amazing health benefits
To maintain good health, it is vital that your body’s natural detoxing process of cleaning out damaged cells and regenerating new ones, known as autophagy, is working well. Dysfunctional cellular processes can cause all kinds of serious issues, from premature aging to cancer. On the other hand, a healthy autophagy process can reduce inflammation, prevent skin issues, boost metabolism, and even heal autoimmune issues.
Jump Start Autophagy will give you all the tools you need to hack your cells for a longer, healthier life. The book will walk you through the science of autophagy, how it works, and why our bodies need it. It will break down the different ways our bodies are signaled to kick start autophagy; and, best of all, show you concrete examples, activities, and methods to push your own body into autophagy to achieve healthier skin, boost your metabolism, heal inflammation, and so much more.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help
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