Download Jinx’ing Your Future by Bo Reid (.ePUB)

Jinx’ing Your Future by Bo Reid (Jinx Family Novella)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 205 kb
Overview: Growing up a Jinx is no cakewalk.

Serendipity Jinx is determined to make it on her own, but when her hours at work get cut, her car breaks down, she doesnt have a penny to her name, and rent is due in a week she’s at her wits end. Like a tale you have heard a million times, anything that can go wrong will go wrong, but Serendipity is determined to figure a way out of her predicaments.

Can she last the week with the support of her family and the help of a sexy stranger, or will Seren get jinx’d on the most cursed day of the year?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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