Download Jennifer Hunter series by Jessica Brody (.ePUB)

Jennifer Hunter Series by Jessica Brody (Books 1-2)
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Overview: Jessica Brody knew from a young age that she wanted to be a writer. She started self "publishing" her own books when she was seven years old, binding the pages together with cardboard, wallpaper samples and electrical tape.
After graduating from Smith College in 2001 where she double majored in Economics and French and minored in Japanese, Jessica later went on to work for MGM Studios as a Manager of Acquisitions and Business Development. In May of 2005, Jessica quit her job to follow her dream of becoming a published author.
Genre: Chick Lit

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1. The Fidelity Files:
A beautiful L.A. woman goes undercover as a “fidelity inspector” to find out who’s faithful and who’s not in this dazzling commercial debut.

Working under the code name Ashlyn, Jennifer Hunter is hired by suspicious wives and girlfriends to conduct her infamous “fidelity inspection” on the men in their lives. Between bachelor parties and business trips, "Ashlyn" has successfully exposed hundreds of unfaithful men. Of course, she never actually sleeps with any of them; she tests for an intention to cheat only. But Jen’s double life starts to take its toll and her friends suspect that the reason she hasn’t had a date in two years is more complicated than the demands of her supposed “investment banking” career. And when a suspicious email surfaces with her picture on it warning men of her real motives, Jen fears that her secret identity is in danger of being uncovered. Plus, her best friend Sophie now plans to hire “Ashlyn” for an inspection of her own! Just when it seems like nothing is going her way, Jen meets sexy, sophisticated Jamie Richards. She knows there’s no room for romance in her life, but she finds herself more and more drawn to him. It doesn’t take long to realize it’s time to retire Ashlyn for the sake of true love but not before taking on one last assignment–a job which will change everything.

2. The Good Girl’s Guide to Bad Men:
Can a former fidelity inspector tear herself away from her old calling for the sake of the perfect guy, or is the temptation to conduct love under cover just too strong?

Jennifer Hunter never saw herself as the relationship type. After all, she’d spent the last two years of her life as an undercover fidelity inspector, hired to test men’s faithfulness—not exactly the kind of job that lends itself to intimacy. But when Jamie Richards walked into her life, everything changed, and Jennifer vowed to trade in her undercover lifestyle for something more normal. That’s why she formed the Hawthorne Agency: five full-time fidelity inspectors, hired to carry out Jennifer’s mission while she manages the process from a safe (relationship-saving) distance. Jen’s business is booming, and just when it seems like things can’t possibly get any better, Jamie proposes. Despite her lifelong issues with trust and commitment, Jen says yes. But can a woman who’s seen nothing but failed marriages ever come to terms with tying the knot herself? And when Jen receives a frantic phone call from one of her employees in trouble, she’s forced to make a choice. A choice that lands her in an all-too familiar place—a strange hotel room, kissing another man. And she knows that nothing will be the same.

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