Download Jason Long Series by S.T. Hoover (.ePUB)

Jason Long Series by S.T. Hoover (1-2)
Requirements: epub reader, 8.6 mb
Overview: When not writing, he enjoys keeping reptiles and, occasionally, saltwater fish. He previously turned his love of reptiles into a passion project, working as a volunteer rattlesnake relocator for three seasons near Joshua Tree National Park. In his free time, he enjoys reading, traveling, and researching the next book.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


1. The Beast of Big Timber – Nothing can stop him from saving his dog…
Disgraced LAPD officer Jason Long needs to get away from the cameras and clamoring reporters. When his friend Harris offers to hire him as a winter caretaker for his remote hunting lodge in the Crazy Mountains of Montana, it’s an offer too good to refuse.
The job was straightforward enough: Four months up in the mountains maintaining rental cabins. Keeping them clean. Keeping whatever broke in last winter out.
He failed.
In a matter of days, Jason learns that the infamous Beast of Big Timber is very real, and it just stole his black labrador retriever, Glock.
Now, he’s got a new job: Kill every last one of those monsters and get his dog back.

2. The Batsquatch of Yellowstone – Nothing can stop him from doing what’s right…
Jason Long has failed.
While deep in the heart of the Sierra Nevada, a rescue mission led by the former LAPD officer ends in heartbreak. People are dead. A family mourns. And a little boy, last seen in the clutches of a Sasquatch, is still missing.
Until now.
700 miles away, a trail camera outside Yellowstone might have just captured the impossible: Timmy Webber, the little boy Jason failed to save, in the clutches of a bulky female Squatch striding into the park. How did she travel that far so quickly? What is she doing in Yellowstone?
Can Jason handle the truth?
Hordes of Squatch are amassing in the park. Dogmen roam the forests, and so does something else. Something Jason still can’t bring himself to believe in. But soon, he won’t have a choice.
He proved to the world that Sasquatch exists. But in doing so, he may have triggered a war of biblical proportions…
With plenty of questions and no time for answers, Jason packs his things and hits the road. With the help of fellow cryptid attack survivor Champ Laramie and a dysfunctional team of strangers and friends alike, Jason will do whatever it takes to get that kid back.

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