Download How I, A Normal High School Student… Vol 5 by Kal Griffith (.ePUB)

How I, A Normal High School Student, Went to Royal Academy and Avoided Being Trapped in Hiatus: Vol 5 by Kal Griffith (This Academy Extra #5)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.7 MB
Overview: With the story no longer in danger, Samson has to turn towards what’s next. The story he knew is basically over, and new, unscripted chapters are the future. With the original plot of the book basically left behind, Samson now faces a world filled with endless possibilities and dangers.
The question of returning to his old life has become a distant thought as Samson embraces his role in this new world. He’s built deeper connections more real than anything he’s ever experienced. But nothing is without a cost. Sampson soon finds that his actions have consequences that ripple across the world of ‘My Royal Academia.’

As he fights to safeguard those dear to him, Samson faces a critical question: What does it truly mean to live and leave a mark in a world that was once nothing more than a tale in a book?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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