Download Heroes & Ghosts by S.A. Payne (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Heroes & Ghosts by S.A. Payne
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI Reader, 935KB
Overview: Kenichi liked to keep to himself. He liked working with his insects on the secure, middle of no where space station. He was proud of his simple, quiet life and if it was lonely, well, he knew it would be isolated when he signed up. As the only gay man on a station of 16 other straight people, he was used to having no romantic elements in his life.

When his first vacation in years is canceled and worse, his on again, off again lover dumps him, Ichi follows his friend, Will’s advice and gets roaring drunk. Only, when he wakes up hung over he finds that he’s gotten more than a headache.

Will’s teasing joke about ordering a state of the art, high end, very lifelike sex doll no longer was a joke. Only, when the toy finally arrives months later, Ichi is horrified to learn he’s been randomly selected for a free upgrade to a real live, living sexual pet.

Looking like a human but with the intelligence and awareness of a dim witted dog, the new pet is straight from a dirty fantasy. But as Ichi learns more about his unwanted new pet, he starts to suspect that things may not be just what they seemed!
Genre: Fiction; Romance, Sci-fi/Fantasy


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