Download Her Home by Boris Bacic (.ePUB)(.AZW)

Her Home by Boris Bacic
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 0.6 Mb
Overview: Their mother is in a coma, and yet the house is anything but quiet at night.

Jill and Cheryl are two estranged sisters who are brought together after their mother with dementia mysteriously falls into a coma. Eager to return to their own lives, the sisters wait for an attorney to arrive and finalize the legal issues around the house. Forced to spend time together in their childhood home, the sisters begin experiencing strange phenomena in the house.

Creepy sounds carry through the walls at night, nightmares plague them in their sleep, and dark figures manifest themselves in the corner of their eyes, only to disappear when they look at them. The longer they spend in the house, the more they begin to realize that something unnatural is going on.

They follow in their mother’s footsteps to find the dark secret that drove her to lose her mind and finally fall into a coma. But the more they find out about the foreign darkness that inhabits the house, the more they start to realize that leaving the house will solve nothing, and they have only two choices.

Put their differences aside to defeat the evil in the house, or stay divided and share their mother’s fate.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy > Horror


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