Download Hell Gate by Josh Matthews (.ePUB)(.MOBI)+

Hell Gate (Hell Gate Book 1) by Josh Matthews
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI / AZW Reader, 1.3MB
Overview: Sixteen-year-old Jason is living a nightmare within a nightmare. He is trying to survive a post-apocalyptic world that has been overrun by demons from another realm, but it was his mother who opened the door in her experiment gone wrong.

In a last ditch effort to redeem his family name and unload his guilt, he joins a squad whose mission is to destroy the Hell spawn around Mont St. Michel.

When his team arrives in Paris to close the Hell Gate they discover an environment more frightening than anything they could imagine and demons more terrifying than they had ever encountered before.

Time is now racing against them.

Can he gain his redemption along with the respect of his peers or will a new web of lies threaten to rip apart his world and jeopardize his team’s only chance for success?
Genre: Fiction; Fantasy


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