Download Healing Anorexia by Kandi Johnson (.ePUB)

Healing Anorexia: Learning Acceptance by Embracing God’s Love by Kandi Johnson
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 325 kb
Overview: Do you ever wonder how the media affects your emotional health? Are you a person who has made it your “job” to be perfect in EVERY way – including the size of your body? Would you like to experience freedom from the limiting thoughts that surround you?

We are bombarded daily with images of people who have the “perfect” body, which inspires countless people to embark on a diet every day in order to lose weight to achieve that “perfect” body, without giving thought to the emotional side of dieting.

You CAN be the person who doesn’t “buy in” to this false picture of the “perfect” life; instead, you CAN be the person who embraces the exceptional beauty that you were created to be.

In this unique and inspiring book, author and Certified Integrative Health Coach Kandi Johnson shares her experience with anorexia starting with her tumultuous teen years, through the depths of despair, at its worst, and out through to the other side in a thinner body. But the underlying issues that brought on the anorexia to being with were never addressed: the need to control the circumstances in her life, to be perfect, and to be loved and accepted.

What started out as a diet to lose 15 pounds turned into the worst nightmare of her life. While many anorexics turn to counseling, therapy, corrective medications, and extreme lifestyle changes, she chose to pretend that it didn’t happen and ignore the aftermath of her emotions for thirty years. After a profound spiritual encounter, she realized that only God could heal her broken heart, her emotions, and teach her to love herself – which is the basis to heal anorexia.
Genre: Non Fiction Biography Memoir


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