Download Haunted Ground by Cailyn Lloyd (.ePUB)

Haunted Ground by Cailyn Lloyd (The Ghosts of Laskin’s Farm)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 380 kb
Overview: She escaped—but she picked the wrong place to hide out.

On the run from cartel enforcers, shrewd ex-con Kat Lundquist finds the perfect refuge, an old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. But when an earthquake stirs up ominous forces below and evidence of a haunting mounts, Kat realizes she’s stumbled upon something more terrifying than the killers on her trail.

As strange, senseless crimes rattle a nearby town, the assassins discover her hideout and close in for the kill. Desperate to escape, Kat joins forces with a new ally, a geologist whose pursuits led to their chance meeting in this remote and disturbed place. But outwitting the gunmen fast becomes the least of their worries when the dark forces of nature and the paranormal converge on Laskin’s farm.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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