Download Haunt Me by Amanda Pillar (.ePUB)

Haunt Me by Amanda Pillar (Immortal Vices and Virtues Book 3)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 559 KB
Overview: Being a ghost sucked.
That was Sabrina’s hot take from the past year.
Zero out of five stars; do not recommend.
She’d drafted the entire negative review in her head, she just didn’t have anywhere to post it.
After her shithead cousin murdered her for power, she’d lost her body and turned into a ghost.
Unseen. Unheard.
Until he arrived.
Kieran Aspen was everything her ideal fantasy man was and more.
Dangerous. Feral. Damaged.
Well, maybe not that last one.
And best of all…he could see her. Hear her.
But his arrival has signaled the destruction of her family. Their lives and future are at risk now they’ve been discovered, leaving Sabrina sure of only one thing: Kieran will either be her savior, or her doom.
Only time will tell her which one.
Genre: Romance


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