Download Hattie Moore Series (1-2) by Rae Earl (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

Hattie Moore Series (1-2) by Rae Earl
Requirements: epub/mobi Reader 8.5MB
Overview: I come from Stamford in Lincolnshire. It’s where a lot of TV and films are shot because it hasn’t changed much in 500 years. My childhood was like most people’s – a mixture of lovely and very odd. Lovely because I spent a lot of time with good friends, music and tadpoles. Odd because I spent a lot of time worrying about everything – like war, murderers and poisonous mushrooms (don’t ask).
Genre: Children, YA Fiction

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01. OMG! Is This Actually My Life?: Fourteen-year-old Hattie Moore doesn’t actually know who her father is – but that’s the least of her problems. How can she become a TOTAL HOTNESS GODDESS when Miss Gorgeous Knickers at school hates her and no one fancies her because she has no breast? And her family are an actual nightmare. Her unbelievably annoying brother is EVIL and on top of that, her gran is a TOTAL mental who may be texting rude jokes to just about EVERYONE in the world. Including her dentist.

Hattie’s diary of this tumultuous year is an absolutely hilarious account of the ups and downs of teenage life including a dating bogey phobia, near death from biscotti and a home-made breast-growing machine.

02. OMG! I’m in Love with a Geek!: This is the year Hattie wants to find real FULL ON love. No more McFitties, but real, long-term love. And she thinks she knows who with. His mum may still call him Goosey Woosey and he might have an unnatural interest in doing well in his GCSEs, but Goose could actually be THE ONE! But how can Hattie make him realize this, when he seems more interested in his gecko?
And there’s the other matter of her dad, who seems to be more interested in saving the planet than in his new-found daughter. And there’s also Gran, who has a new iPad and a dangerous obsession with Twitter.
What’s a girl to do? Write it all down in a hilarious diary about the ups, downs and total dramas of being Hattie Moore.

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