Download Hard-Boiled Sentimentality by Leonard Cassuto (.ePUB)

Hard-Boiled Sentimentality by Leonard Cassuto
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 4.7MB
Overview: This book starts with a recipe. Charles Willeford, an inventive crime writer canonized by the Library of America, ends one of his later novels, Miami Blues (1984), with a set of ingredients and careful directions for how to bake a vinegar pie. Who ever heard of a crime novel ending with a recipe? Books about tough guys aren’t supposed to focus on cooking, but the recipe is serious. (I followed it once and brought the pie to a talk I gave on Willeford and some of his contemporaries. It was a bit sweet, the vinegar notwithstanding, but a pretty good custard pie overall.) Willeford’s pie exemplifies a turn toward homemaking in the American detective story, often by the detectives themselves. How did domesticity become so prominent in U.S. crime writing that a denizen of the hard-boiled could turn the last page of a murder mystery into a cookbook entry?
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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