Download Happy Birthday, Cousin Natalie by L.K. Bryant (.ePUB)

Happy Birthday, Cousin Natalie by L.K. Bryant (The Cousin Natalie Mysteries #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 601 KB
Overview: Peter Barclay’s cousin Natalie was on the information superhighway before there was an Internet; she knows everyone who is worth knowing in a town where connections are king. But when a coworker is murdered and she’s pegged with the best motive, Natalie realizes someone she knows is not who she thought: One of her friends is a stone killer. With a list of suspects that includes a beauty queen, a former tap-dancing child star, the hottest on-again-off-again power couple in Hollywood, and her own boss, Natalie has her work cut out for her.

Meanwhile, in trying to clean up the dead man’s messy life, Peter has discovered a shocking secret that will make both he and Natalie a target for the police and the killer–and whichever one finds them first will blow out the candles on Natalie’s birthday cake permanently…
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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