Download Hands-On Kubernetes on Windows by Piotr Tylenda (.ePUB)+

Hands-On Kubernetes on Windows by Piotr Tylenda
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 13 mb, 21 mb
Overview: With the recent adoption of Windows containers in Kubernetes, it is now possible to fully leverage the flexibility and robustness of the Kubernetes container orchestration system in the Windows ecosystem. This support enables developers and DevOps engineers to create new Windows applications and migrate existing ones to the cloud-native stack with the same ease as for Linux-oriented cloud applications.

This practical guide takes you through the key concepts involved in packaging Windows distributed applications into containers and orchestrating those using Kubernetes. It also explains the current limitations of Windows support in Kubernetes. Additionally, you will gain hands-on experience deploying a fully functional hybrid Linux/Windows Kubernetes cluster for development and explore production scenarios in on-premises and cloud environments, such as Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service.

By the end of this book, you’ll be well-versed with containerization, microservice architecture, and the critical considerations needed to run Kubernetes in production environments successfully.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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