Download Grigori by Ann Gimpel (.ePUB)

Grigori (Circle of Assassins #5) by Ann Gimpel
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 770 KB
Overview: I like things neat, so shoot me. Or poison me. Or run me through with a broadsword. Doesn’t matter how you try to end me, werewolves are immortal.

Back to liking things neat…I’ve been killing forever, both as a wolf and as a man. The assassin trade has always been lucrative, and a few hundred years back, a much simpler affair. No DNA tests. No sophisticated crime labs. I didn’t have to plan the way I do today to avoid detection.

Not that it would matter if I were apprehended. I’d just vanish to a borderworld for a while and resurface once the heat died down. Mostly, I deal with supernatural enemies these days. Keeps things cleaner.

But this book isn’t about today. It’s about long ago. I’ve done my damnedest to instill pride and standards into the assassin trade. And bond animals. Their principles definitely add class to the mix.

Building the Circle was an uphill battle. I almost gave up more times than I can count, but nothing worthwhile comes easy. The Circle of Assassins became my life’s work. Didn’t plan it that way, but life happens. Life, bloodthirsty mages, and the bond animals who adore them.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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