Download Gone Series by Jacqueline Druga (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Gone Series by Jacqueline Druga (1-2)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 1.2 MB
Overview: Jacqueline Druga is a native of Pittsburgh, Pa. She is a prolific writer and filmmaker. Her published works include genres of all types, but favors post-apocalypse and apocalypse writing. Currently she is in production of her third full-length feature film in which she has written and is producing.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


#1 – Greg Benedict watches in horror as his wife and baby stand by window inside of a burning building. Then, before the flames reach them, they vanish. It was just the beginning.
Sporadic vanishings occur over the next several months, all leading to the day when half the population disappears.
Chaos ensues as humanity struggles to come to grips with the sudden vanishing of half the life on earth.
Those who remain search desperately for answers. Some believe it is a bigger picture, the start of the apocalypse and the rapture has occurred, while others like Greg believe there is a scientific reason for it. He vows to find it and stop it.
Whatever the reason, it’s not over. And oblivion to the human race, along with everything on earth is a heartbeat away.

#2 – He thought he was on a mission to save the world, but then Greg Benedict vanished like billions of others across the globe. But, he didn’t die. He went … somewhere else.
Chaos, fighting and the decimation of humanity ensue after a manmade disaster causes half the population to simply disappear.
There are those who struggle to go on day to day assuming those who have vanished have died and there are those who try to make a change.
It isn’t easy.
A second disaster is forthcoming in the wake of the first. While survivors try to prepare for the new extinction level event, scientist plot a way to reverse the damage.
If that is even a possibility

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