Download Goblin Slayer Arwyn series by Cat Wilder (.ePUB)

Goblin Slayer Arwyn series by Cat Wilder (2-3)
Requirements: epub reader, 367 kb
Overview: Author of fantasy novels.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


#2 – The elfmaid Dame Arwyn Brightblade is a Sister of the Sacred Sword. A holy goblin slayer. Or she used to be. She was captured by goblins and sold as a slave. Only, you can’t keep a good elfmaid down, and now Arwyn escaped to fight again.
Arwyn is out for vengeance and to rescue her three captured Sword Sisters from goblin bondage. First, though, she has to live within the cruel and corrupted city the goblins have created. Live under their brutal rule until the day she completes her quest to save her friends. The elfmaid will do whatever it takes until that moment. Failure is not an option.

#3 – The elfmaid Dame Arwyn Brightblade is a Sister of the Sacred Sword. A holy goblin slayer. Or she used to be. She was captured by goblins and sold as a slave. Only, you can’t keep a good elfmaid down, and Arwyn escaped to fight again.
Arwyn is bent on rescuing her captured Sword Sisters from goblin bondage. She has already rescued Maeve, who now stands shoulder-to-shoulder with her in their shared quest. They have set their eyes on Rowan, but the goblin king of the underworld has other plans for them. An offer they can’t refuse.

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