Download Given To Darkness by Phil Williams (.ePUB)+

Given To Darkness (Ordshaw Book 6 / Ikiri Book 2) by Phil Williams
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.2MB | Retail
Overview: Ikiri demands blood. Whose will it be?

A malevolent force stirs from the heart of the Congo. One child can stop it – but everyone wants her dead.

Reece Coburn’s gang have travelled half the world to protect Zipporah, only to find her in more danger than ever. Her violent father is missing, his murderous enemies are coming for them, and her brother’s power is growing stronger. Entire communities are being slaughtered, and it’s only getting worse.

They have to reach Ikiri before its corruption spreads. But there’s a long journey ahead, past ferocious killers and unnatural creatures – and very few people can be trusted along the way.

Can two criminal musicians, an unstable assassin and a compromised spy reach Ikiri alive? What will it cost them along the way?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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