Download Gettin’ Figgy by Gail Haris (.ePUB)

style=”flex-grow: 1″> Gettin’ Figgy by Gail Haris (Candy Cane Key)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 195 kb
Overview: Rose didn’t expect to find herself toe to toe with her parents’ handsome neighbor on a holiday called Sweetest Day… and all because of a fig and a chihuahua. Well, two chihuahuas.

Worst of all?
The neighbor is her crush from grade school. The one who broke her heart, and who still crosses her mind after twelve years.

While Rose is convinced Than-ass-is a complete flirt who is full of himself, he sees her as the ultimate thorn in his side. However after a few signature drinks, ‘Gettin’ Figgy,’ they just might discover each other’s sweet side.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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