Download Genealogies of Terrorism by Verena Erlenbusch (.ePUB)+

Genealogies of Terrorism Revolution, State Violence, Empire by Verena Erlenbusch
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.8MB
Overview: What is terrorism? What ought we to do about it? And why is it wrong? We think we have clear answers to these questions. But acts of violence, like U.S. drone strikes that indiscriminately kill civilians, and mass shootings that become terrorist attacks when suspects are identified as Muslim, suggest that definitions of terrorism are always contested. In Genealogies of Terrorism, Verena Erlenbusch rejects attempts to define what terrorism is in favor of a historico-philosophical investigation into the conditions under which uses of this contested term become meaningful. The result is a powerful critique of the power relations that shape how we understand and theorize political violence.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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