Download Gates of Yog-Sothoth by John Corwin (.ePUB)

Gates of Yog-Sothoth (Chronicles of Cain #9) by John Corwin
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 404 KB

Prince Onwin wants Cain to do the impossible.

He wants him to assassinate the fae queens from Dimension Beta. By doing so, he’ll end the fae civil war on Feary Prime and save the natural order.

The problem is, Cain has a bargain with the courts from Prime, Alpha, and Beta. He can’t act directly or indirectly against any of them without incurring a massive penalty to his magic and wellbeing. But it’s possible there might be a loophole he can exploit.

Prince Onwin has good reason to want the Beta queens dead. They’ve somehow allied with the eldritch infesting Gaia Beta. The natural order there has changed so drastically that it’s affected the Beta fae and given them access to a new horde of monstrous allies.

The massive shift of power has also affected the war in the divine realm. The current divine order is under a major threat from a surge in eldritch power. The gods of chaos are making matters worse in any way they can. The pantheons have their collective backs against the wall, and all is on the verge of being lost.

Cain knows of a way that might indirectly destroy the Beta queens’ power base, but it won’t be easy. If he can pull it off, that might end the eldritch threat from Beta forever. But he’ll have to turn old enemies into new allies. He’ll have to overcome impossible odds. And he’ll have to do it all without breaching the bargain he made with the fae.

Otherwise, he’ll never taste the sweet, sweet nectar of a mangorita ever again.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy Thriller


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