Download Full Spectrum Dominance by F. William Engdahl (.ePUB)+

Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order by F. William Engdahl
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI Reader, 2.0MB | Retail
Overview: For the faction that controls the Pentagon, the military industry and the oil industry, the Cold War never ended. It went on ‘below the radar’ creating a global network of bases and conflicts to advance their long-term goal of Full Spectrum Dominance, the total control of the planet: land, sea, air, space, outer space and cyberspace.

Their methods included control of propaganda, use of NGOs for regime change, Color Revolutions to advance NATO east, and a vast array of psychological and economic warfare techniques, a Revolution in Military Affairs as they termed it.

The events of September 11, 2001 would allow an American President to declare a war on an enemy who was everywhere and nowhere, who justified a Patriot Act that destroyed that very freedom in the name of the new worldwide War on Terror. This book gives a disturbing look at that strategy of Full Spectrum Dominance.
Genre: Non-fiction | Educational


Important things that you will learn are:

+ The actual Pentagon strategy, called Full Spectrum Dominance, to insure Washington has supreme military power over any and all potential rivals
+ How the US State Department and CIA use Color Revolutions and charges of human rights abuse to target uncooperative regimes around the world
+ The real background to the Washington missile defense deployment in Poland and beyond after 2007 and how that risks bringing the world to possible nuclear war
+ How Washington-financed NGOs weaponize human rights to destroy their rivals around the world from Ukraine in 2014 to Syria
+ The true agenda of billionaire George Soros and his philanthropic foundations around the world
+ How the US military industrial complex functions to create permanent wars

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