Download Invisible Ink by Christopher Fowler (.ePUB)

Invisible Ink: How 100 Great Authors Disappeared by Christopher FowlerRequirements: .ePUB reader, 600 KBOverview: They were popular, influential and often hugely successful, but then they vanished from bookshelves, even in their own lifetimes. There are a great many authors we grew up with whose books became touchstones in our lives, who have simply disappeared. Adopting […]

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Download Plastic by Christopher Fowler (.ePUB)

Plastic by Christopher FowlerRequirements: .ePUB reader, 504kbOverview: June Cryer is a shopaholic suburban housewife trapped in a lousy marriage. After discovering her husband’s infidelity with the flight attendant next door, she loses her home, her husband and her credit rating. But there’s a solution: a friend needs a caretaker for a spectacular London high-rise apartment. […]

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Download Bryant & May: Peculiar London by Christopher Fowler (.ePUB)

Bryant & May: Peculiar London by Christopher Fowler (Bryant & May: Peculiar Crimes Unit #18.5) Requirements: .ePUB reader, 5.4 MbOverview: Thinking of a jaunt to England? Let Arthur Bryant and John May, London’s oldest police detectives, show you the oddities behind the city’s façades in this tongue-in-cheek travel guide. It’s getting late. I want to […]

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