Download From Fame to Ruin by Jina S. Bazzar (.ePUB)

From Fame to Ruin by Jina S. Bazzar
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 404 kb
Overview: What if surviving a murder attempt, a heartbreak, and the loss of the family business wasn’t the hardest thing you ever faced?

Carol is the sole heir to a broken empire, Ricardo the newest celebrity in the rock world.

When they came together, their fire blazed. When their past caught up, they were left burned, scorched to the ground.

When a psychopath decides it’s payback time, Carol is faced with an impossible choice – save her son or sell her life.

Ricardo wants nothing to do with the woman who played him for a fool, but finds himself moored by circumstances, half truths, and memories of the past.

They say time can heal anything. So far, time’s brought nothing but complications.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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