Download Freeing Mr. Collins by Kate Raven (.ePUB)

Freeing Mr. Collins: A Pride and Prejudice Christmas Variation by Kate Raven
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 365 KB
Overview: A holiday happy ever after for Mr. Collins and Charlotte!

Charlotte Lucas Collins married her pompous, awkward husband Mr. Collins with her eyes wide open to all his faults. But she’s never given up hoping for their marriage to get better, if she could only convince her husband not to follow every single piece of Lady Catherine’s advice.

Then one Christmas a crime wave strikes Rosings. Lady Catherine’s valuable acrostic necklace is stolen, and her prize-winning pigs start disappearing. Are more of the family jewels next?

Lady Catherine wants the crimes solved immediately and the miscreants brought to justice before her guests the Darcys and Bingleys realize anything is amiss. And who better to solve the crime than the always-sensible Mrs. Collins?

Charlotte sets out to solve the crime in her quiet, capable way, but she finds nothing is as it seems. If she is going to be successful, she is going to need the help of the last person she would have expected. . . her husband.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Regency


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