Download Fractured Series by Matthew Dante (.ePUB)

Fractured Series by Matthew Dante (1-3)
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Overview: I am a Canadian Author, who writes Gay Fantasy and Romance novels. Most of my stories center around gay main characters who are usually the love interests and heroes of my stories. I am writing these novels, so that people will be able to read about characters and stories that they can relate to and be proud of.
Genre: Romance MM


1. Fractured Love – What is more dangerous than a man in love? A man in love who feels betrayed…
Marc and Alex have been best friends since childhood. When Marc was fourteen, tragedy struck, and he found himself suddenly orphaned. Having no living relatives, Marc moved in with Alex and his family, who happily opened their hearts and their home to him.
Five years have passed since the tragedy, and Marc’s love and devotion for his best friend has only intensified… some would say, to an almost obsessive level…
Alex’s life is suddenly turned upside down when he is forced to make an impossible decision. Alex quickly learns that Marc’s love for him goes much deeper than just friendship. Alex begins to wonder, just how far is Marc willing to go in the name of love? And more terrifyingly, how dangerous is a man in love, who feels… betrayed.

2. Fractured Mind – People have been disappearing all across the State with no apparent connection to one another. Police are baffled and struggling to determine if the disappearances are connected or are simply isolated incidents. There are no bodies or evidence- only abandoned vehicles and missing persons reports.
Meanwhile, Alex Sanders is battling his own demons…
Almost a year after surviving a horrific weekend held captive by his former best friend, Marc, Alex is now a freshman at the University of Tennessee. Desperately trying to start over, he is consumed with depression, anxiety, and guilt for the murder that he helped cover up. Always fearful of being discovered, Alex can’t help but wonder, is Marc still secretly watching him?
Could Marc’s obsession with him have something to do with the current flood of disappearances across the State?
All things seem to lead back to that fateful weekend… the one that started with murder … and ended in betrayal.
Warning: This book contains scenes which may be considered triggering events for some involving extreme violence, murder, kidnapping, and torture.

3. Fractured Soul – They say we are all products of our environment. Those raised in happy households will become loving, well-adjusted members of society; while those raised in violence and darkness will grow to be angry, heartless, and unstable. Truer words were never spoken.
After surviving the terrifying events that occurred on the murder farm, Alex’s views of society have darkened. That once bright and hopeful light has now dimmed and given rise to rage and suspicion.
Alex’s views of humanity are tested even further when he stumbles across a man bleeding to death in an alleyway. Who is this man? And why was he left for dead?
Marc and Alex suddenly find themselves thrust into the seedy underworld of human trafficking and prostitution as they work to uncover the criminal organization preying on the weak and vulnerable.

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