Download Forge Master by Seth Ring (.M4B)

Forge Master by Seth Ring (Tower #1)
Requirements: .M4A/.M4B reader, 798.8 MB
Overview: Ascending should have been the easy part.

But after being thrown into the void, Thorn finds himself stranded in a strange world filled with even stranger creatures.

Together with his cute battle pet, the mysterious god beast Hati, and a sentient AI named Eve, Thorn must forge a place for himself in this new world. Unfortunately, the local guilds all have other ideas, and soon the Titan finds himself embroiled in plots that even his famed strength cannot help him with.

Rallying his strengths and learning how to fix his weaknesses will be the absolute minimum Thorn needs to survive, but if he wants to thrive he’ll be forced to take risks that put his life—and the lives of his friends—on the line.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction


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