Download Five Suns Saga Series (#1-2) by Jim Heskett (.ePUB)

Five Suns Saga Series by Jim Heskett (#1-2)
Requirements: Epub reader, 612 KB
Overview: Jim Heskett was born in the wilds of Oklahoma, raised by a pack of wolves with a station wagon and a membership card to the local public swimming pool. Just like the man in the John Denver song, he moved to Colorado in the summer of his 27th year, and never looked back. Aside from an extended break traveling the world, he hasn’t let the Flatirons mountains out of his sight.
He fell in love with writing at the age of fourteen with a copy of Stephen King’s The Shining. Poetry became his first outlet for teen angst, then later some terrible screenplays, and eventually short and long fiction. In between, he worked a few careers that never quite tickled his creative toes successfully, and hasn’t ever forgotten about Stephen King. You can find him currently huddled over a laptop in an undisclosed location in Colorado, dreaming up ways to kill beloved characters.
Genre: Fiction » Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror


Five Suns Saga I
Five Suns Saga II
Kellen’s tired of politics and the back-stabbing that accompanies it. As a senior staffer to a US senator, he’s privy to all kinds of information, like details about the meteor hurtling through space on a collision course with earth. He also knows what the panicked public has been told isn’t the whole truth, and now he’ll have to decide if exposing the lie is worth trading his life.
Part post-apocalyptic survival epic, part espionage military and political thriller, Five Suns Saga Omnibus Edition features the complete collection of eighteen interconnected short stories spanning the time before, during, and after the downfall of society. Each one follows a different character and unlocks another piece of the mystery of how the world became a dystopian nightmare.
The Five Suns Saga is unlike any kind of post-apocalyptic dystopian epic you’ve read before. This collection brings a mashup of political conspiracy thriller style espionage storytelling like Tom Clancy, and then mixes that with a dystopian tale like Mad Max. Each story stands on its own, but also fits into the larger mystery of the series that asks the question: How did the world crumble?

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