Download Finders Keepers by Luke Murphy (.ePUB)

Finders Keepers by Luke Murphy (A Calvin Watters Mystery Book 4)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 318 KB
Overview: To beat the streets…
Calvin Watters spent three hard years on the Vegas streets, working the depths of the red light district. When a string of escort murders surfaces and the LVMPD has no answers, they realize that there is only one man they can turn to for help.
…you have to know the streets.
Calvin vowed to never return to his former life, but this new case pulls him back in. As he hits the streets, his honed survival skills kick in, and the PI must call upon his past experience to outwit a worthy opponent.
Caught in the crosshairs.
When Calvin killed Derek Baxter, he added fuel to an ever-growing fire inside Baxter’s longtime sniper partner, Jackson North. Now North is out for revenge, but how far will the hitman go to leave his mark on Calvin’s life?
Genre: Mystery/Thriller


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