Download Felicia’s Fling by Jolie Cain (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Felicia’s Fling by Jolie Cain
Requirements: .epub/.mobi Reader, | 986Kb | Version: Retail
Overview: He’s younger than she. A lot younger. But Felicia, newly divorced, is looking for someone to help her prove to herself that she’s still attractive and desirable, regardless of what her asshole of an ex said. About to start a new life with her daughter, she decides to have a brief fling with the handsome young stud she meets in a hotel bar. After all, how often does a woman her age get a chance to have some wild, no-strings-attached sex with someone as gorgeous as this stranger?

Nate is tired of the immature, flighty girls his own age he keeps meeting. As soon as he sees Felicia, looking sexy and a little uncertain, he knows he wants her–for as long as he can have her.

They indulge in a torrid fling and then part, believing they will never see each other again. But plans don’t always turn out the way we think they will…
Genre: Fiction: Romance


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