Download Fat Bombs by Andrea J. Clark (.ePUB)

Fat bombs: Sweet & Savory Snacks for the Ketogenic Diet, Paleo Diet & Low Carb Diet by Andrea J. Clark
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 760 kb
Overview: Do you want to make sweet fat bomb recipes?
Are you looking for more savory fat bomb recipes?
Do you want to add more variety to your Ketogenic diet?
If so, then this is the book for you!

In this book, you’ll learn all about fat bombs, how to prep your kitchen, and what tools you’ll need.

You’ll have thirty new fat bomb recipes to try. All recipes have under six ingredients, and you’ll find that they’re easy to make without losing their flavor.

With fifteen sweet fat bombs recipes, you can kiss that sweet tooth goodbye, and when you aren’t in the mood for sweets you’ll have fifteen savory recipes to try. There is something for everyone, and with bonus recipes included for ice cream and nut butter, you’ll have everything you need to stay on the healthy Ketogenic diet that you want. This book is also great for low carb diets as well as the Paleo diet.
Genre: Non Fiction Cookbook


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