Download Farm in Green Mountains by Alice Herdan-Zuckmayer (.ePUB)

The Farm in the Green Mountains by Alice Herdan-Zuckmayer
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, | 2.2Mb | Version: Retail
Overview: The Farm in the Green Mountains is the story of a family finding home halfway across the world from their homeland.

Alice Herdan-Zuckmayer and her husband, the playwright Carl Zuckmayer, lived at the heart of intellectual life in Weimar, Germany, counting among their circle Stefan Zweig, Alma Mahler, and Bertolt Brecht. After Carl’s work fell afoul of the Nazis, however, the couple and their two daughters were forced to flee Europe. Los Angeles didn’t suit them and neither did New York, but then a chance stroll in the Vermont woods led them to Backwoods Farm, the eighteenth-century house where they would live for the next five years. In Europe, the Zuckmayers were accustomed to servants; in Vermont, they found themselves joyfully building chicken coops and refereeing fights between unruly ducks. Despite the endless work a new farm required and brutal winters that triggered bouts of melancholy, Alice discovered that in America she had found her native land.
Genre: Nonfiction: Memoir | Autobiography


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