Download Falling for French Kisses by Elsie Woods (.ePUB)

Falling for French Kisses by Elsie Woods (Falling in Paris Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 523 kb
Overview: The French tabloids call him “a gorgeous playboy with a chip on his shoulder”. I call him boss.

Freshest face in the city of love, don’t speak the language, and I can’t make an espresso to save my life… what was I thinking, stepping on that Paris-bound plane?

Olivier Dubois, entitled French billionaire and culinary playboy, is certainly not the forgiving type. So when I make a blunder at his restaurant which results in a debt the size of the Eiffel Tower, I can either pay up or I can cater to his crabby grandmother’s every whim.

Living with his Grandma gives me a chance to see another side of Olivier, and this side is someone I could fall for. But he is off-limits – not only is he my boss, he’s also engaged.

I absolutely cannot let myself get caught up in the longing looks Olivier casts my way every morning or the sight of his toastier-than-west-Texas self taking a midnight dip in the pool.

But it’s impossible to keep my distance when he opens his soul to me.

The city of love makes no promises. With a domineering grandma and a catty fiancée against us, happily ever feels as far away as small-town Texas.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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