Download Exiles Trilogy by Ashley Capes (.ePUB)

Exiles Trilogy by Ashley Capes (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.2 MB
Overview: The Exiles Trilogy is a multi-pov epic fantasy series with a connected story that follows four main characters on their struggles after being exiled from their homes, their loved ones and even their nations too.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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A Drifting Sun (#1)
Born without a face, Iggy is an outcast in his own village, surrounded by those who both fear his powerful telekinesis as much as they rely upon it for survival.

But Iggy’s gift often feels closer to a curse, and after a tragic accident, he disappears on the day of his Exile. Only his sister Mei follows, chasing Iggy into the hostile nation of Nasaru – a land that sees them as nothing more than enemies to be captured or killed on sight.

Two other quests are afoot in the land of Nasaru, with each seeker fated to cross paths with both Mei and Iggy.

Anyo, disdained as the Beggar Prince, is desperate to win back his honour by unearthing a legendary blade, unaware of dangerous ambitions lurking within himself.

Veteran Greyshield and king’s assassin, Rokura, is charged with rescuing a royal bastard from slavers. But despite Rokura’s considerable skills, his quarry stays one step ahead, as if receiving aid from unknown quarters.

Separately at first, each character must overcome their own demons in time to unite and defeat a rapidly spreading darkness: the Moon Father, an ancient god determined to sow the seeds of chaos…

The Faceless Moon (#2)
Luminous spawn of the Moon Father creep across kingdoms.

Yet neither Mei nor Iggy, still separated, realise the depth of the threat – nor their role in stopping it.

One, however is aware. Thorn, the imposter seated upon Nasaru’s throne, moves his pieces to manipulate them.

Thankfully, not all who take an interest in the siblings harbour such dark intent, and as their paths start to converge, welcome allies appear. Mei is joined by a merchant, Coral Sorcerer and Greyshield on a voyage to the Raging Isle, seeking a precious commodity to locate her brother.

And while across the land Rokura still protects Iggy from old and new threats alike, the trail of his ever-elusive quarry continues to fade. Worse, a betrayal will soon cast doubt upon everything the Greyshield once held sacred.

In desperation, Anyo has turned to Binya the corpse-singer.

Despite her promise to divine the Sothalic’s location, there is a cost – a pact with the unknown. Even so, the Beggar Prince now knows that if he fails to discover the legendary blade, his lands and those beyond will be smothered in darkness at the hands of the Moon Father.

Stars Burning (#3)
Thorn has drawn his pieces together, at last.

But to finally release and then devour the Moon Father, the imposter knows he must rely on Mei and Iggy, neither of whom will simply agree to his madness. Nor will they give up seeking to undermine him at every turn.

All the while, others are converging upon fateful shores where the Moon Father stirs.

Anyo and his companions flee across the mountains, driven by his jealous siblings and a sly creature, desperate to find both the resting place of the Sothalic and peace from the doubts that plague him – doubts about his true desires, for both the throne and for Binya herself.

Worst of all, he knows that without answers, he will fail to reach the Moon Father in time to bring the legendary sword into play.

Farther away, Rokura has found himself imprisoned in a new land – but closer than ever to his prey, and to the rescue of Asaro. That is, providing he can untangle the web of deceits and half-truths that threaten to swallow him.

Only then, and only if he can find a way to escape – it will be time for a long overdue homecoming, to a city that may need his help more than ever.

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