Download Alice and the Impossible Game by Anna Foxkirk (.ePUB)

Alice and the Impossible Game (Passport to Love #3) by Anna Foxkirk
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 638 KB
Overview: Alice Havoc is raised to believe in the impossible…until she finds herself in an improbable fix: her gap year travel plans hit a major roadblock—thanks to her identical twin sister, Tilly, who bails without apology or explanation, leaving Alice stranded and penniless in Australia. Admittedly, Alice hasn’t always been the best of sisters. Desperate to mend their relationship, she reluctantly agrees to Tilly’s absurd ‘Impossible Things Game’. But Alice didn’t count on Guy Balcombe being thrown into the mix.
Musician, Guy, wants a quick fix: focused solely on his career and committed only to his band, RiffRaff, he’s down a member of his band, broken his hand and needs someone to drive him home for his brother’s wedding.
A road trip together is not on either of their itineraries and could throw a spanner in Alice and Guy’s best-laid plans and New Year’s resolutions.
Will hearts be wrenched or fixed?
Will Alice and Guy become unhitched or stitched?
There’s only one way to find out: fasten your seatbelts and brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride of a story.
Feel the sizzle, laugh at the havoc and dare to believe in the impossible!
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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