Download Evolutionary Biogeography by Juan J. Morrone (.ePUB)

Evolutionary Biogeography: An Integrative Approach with Case Studies by Juan J. Morrone
Requirements: ePUB reader, 7 MB
Overview: Rather than favoring only one approach, Juan J. Morrone proposes a comprehensive treatment of the developments and theories of evolutionary biogeography. Evolutionary biogeography uses distributional, phylogenetic, molecular, and fossil data to assess the historical changes that have produced current biotic patterns. Panbiogeography, parsimony analysis of endemicity, cladistic biogeography, and phylogeography are the four recent and most common approaches. Many conceive of these methods as representing different “schools,” but Morrone shows how each addresses different questions in the various steps of an evolutionary biogeographical analysis.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Science


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