Download Event-Based Programming by Ted Faison (.PDF)

Event-Based Programming by Ted Faison
Requirements: .PDF reader, 10 Mb
Overview: Languages like C#, VB .NET, and Delphi include built-in support for events, and these events become very powerful when they connect the objects and components of a system. Events make it possible for such parts to interact without any coupling. And the resulting parts can be developed and tested individuallywhich keeps the code clean and simple. Component-based development (CBD) is an extension of object-oriented programming. CBD does away with the language and vendor-specific limitations of OOP, makes software reuse more practical and accelerates the development process. Event-based programming is the next logical step in CBD, and makes components more reusable due to their decoupled nature. But event-based systems are easier to develop, which means they’re cheaper and more reliable than traditional OOP or CBD systems.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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