Download Epoch by Timothy Carter (.ePUB)

Epoch by Timothy Carter
Requirements: epub reader, 667kb
Overview: In his fourteen years, Vincent Drear has been sure of a few of things. First, the world is going to end. And until it does, he has two saving souls and protesting movies about boy wizards. But Vincent wonders if there’s more to life than this.

His suspicions are confirmed when he finds an elf at his school science fair. Vincent’s excitement fades, though, as the elf informs him that his family’s religion is right about one the end of the world is coming―in forty-eight hours! Vincent can’t save the world. His only hope is to get his family off Earth before demons wipe out everything, paving the way for a new epoch.

Timothy Carter combines humor, fantasy, sci/fi, and satire into a novel that is the missing link between The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and The Left Behind . The end has come. But the fun has just begun.
Genre: Fiction > YA


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